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Tech Lead Role in LONDON - Amsterdam Award Winning Agency need Tech Director London


Tech Lead Role in LONDON - Amsterdam Award Winning Agency need Tech Director London

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resume or portfolio please

  • Working with Luke has been a great experience. He's a honest and resourceful recruiter and a very goodmotivator. He's also got the best jobs in town

    B S -

  • Luke shows good insight in assessing your skills and goals, and finding the best suited career opportunity for you. He shows great determination and reliability in assuring your success as a prospective job candidate. I appreciated his professional, yet casual approach to our relationship. If you are looking for a new job, Luke is the guy to go to.

    T N -

  • Luke is an excellent recruiter, persistent but not pushy. Took the time to really understand my capabilities and ambitions before finding me the perfect job. 100% professional and personable.

    P R -

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