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Digital Designer Job Amsterdam: Digital Designer – Work for the most rewarded agency in 2013!


Digital Designer Job, Digital Designer Vacature, html5, css3, responsive web design, Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, motion graphics, animation, digital campaign, installation, mobile optimized website, interactive web app, interface design


You love digital? You speak digital? You think digital?


This is the chance of a lifetime for a digital designer you won’t find every day!

Polish your portfolio with super amazing digital projects that will be globally recognized.


This is the perfect place for you to be - an award-winning agency that specializes in digital production. In an international team of 15+ other designers you are going to design social media apps, rich internet applications and social campaign platforms.


Work for the best Digital Production Agency on the planet in terms of awards won, recognition, culture, projects to work on!


If your designs attract millions of people all over the world you are on the right track to win the next FWA for your work.


What you get from us:

  • Awesome company culture – ski trips, summer parties and boats trips
  • Amazing client list with some of the most popular global brands
  • With offices all over the world you get the chance to work in New York, Asia or wherever we are going to open a new office
  • Unlimited coffee ;)

For this role, we’re looking for someone with a proven track record. Someone with the qualifications and ambitions of assuming a senior role within our design department, possibly as an art director.

If you have a portfolio to impress, get in touch with


Digital Designer Job, Digital Designer Vacature, html5, css3, responsive web design, Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, motion graphics, animation, digital campaign, installation, mobile optimized website, interactive web app, interface design

  • Working with Luke has been a great experience. He's a honest and resourceful recruiter and a very goodmotivator. He's also got the best jobs in town

    B S -

  • As a Recruiter Luke keeps a very honest and consistent communication with it's candidates. Very reliable, he cares the match the most fitting opportunity to the candidate skills and also to help envision their careers.

    N P -

  • Luke is professional and dedicated to his work. He acts very quickly and has deep insight into Dutch IT labor market. I enjoyed cooperating with him a lot.

    P P -

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