Frontend Developer (Html, Css, Javascript) Join an award winning team where you work will be seen by millions
Frontend Developer (Html, Css, Javascript) Join an award winning team where you work will be seen by millions
If you are a javascript/html5 experienced developer then you should really get in touch about this opportunity. Whatever your level you will be I an environment where you can learn more
Constantly pushing the boundaries of interactivity. This is a dream company for a passionate developer
There is an awesome relationship between creative and technology
This is one of the biggest selling points as there is huge respect between the creative team and tech team. Everything is discussed openly throughout projects to deliver the most outstanding experiences for clients as possible.
The amount of awards (and maybe more importantly how recently they are happening) shows the quality of work you will be delivering. It will also allow you to be proud of the work you deliver will be seen by millions and recognised by the global awarding associations
Development team of 35 people. Various sub teams such as .net, php, frontend, IOS, QA
Team is in a nice big room together with amazing natural light
Employees of the company are taken away each year on ski trip
65% of the work is campaign work. Meaning the average time for a project is 6 weeks. Maximum around 2 months
You will also complete big builds that take about a year.
Training & Development
Want people like act like a sponge. Willingness to learn
The directors and managers love people who have a passion and desire to learn. You will be provided with the best possible training and development out there

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